Preparing students for the MATHCOUNTS competition series and problem solving in general.                                         

FrostMath is owned, operated and taught solely by me, Josh Frost.  All materials will be created by me and while the class is largely for MATHCOUNTS preparation, I am in no way working with MATHCOUNTS on this course.  The MATHCOUNTS foundation is a great group though, so if you don't know much about them I suggest you check out their website at .

Also, this class does more than just prepare kids for competitions.  It aims to make students better problem solvers by actually doing problems that are not all the same and by working with a coach and students who also love solving these types of problems.

I have been teaching public middle school for 27 years and coaching a MATHCOUNTS team for 25 of them.  I have taught both in NH and MA.  Originally from Massachusetts I attended the University of New Hampshire as a Secondary Math Ed major where I also received my Masters in education.

I now live in Westford, MA with my very supportive wife, Adrienne, and my daughters Grace (now 11 yrs old pictured at the right with me at the 2013 MATHCOUNTS National competition) and Mia who's 9 yrs old.