Preparing students for the MATHCOUNTS competition series and problem solving in general.                                         


The costs for FrostMath classes will be the same whether online or in person.

As always, students can register for single classes or all 20 at once and discounts will be offered to students who take more classes.  As the Wednesday classes will be online however it is possible that classes fill up faster (with students from around the country being eligible), so signing up for a few now with the intent of doing more later may be a problem if they fill up with kids from other states.

The cost for classes will be as follows (same as last year, no changes):

For 1 - 9 classes the cost is $85 per class
For 10 - 19 classes the cost is $75 per class
For all 20 classes the cost is $70 per class

Note: When COVID hit I added online paying as a faster way to pay as there were always people who signed up last minute and brought a check to class and that was not possible online.  The bank however charges 3.5% for this service and it cost me a fair amount of money (but necessary given the times).  With classes at least partially back in person I contemplated removing the option, but know some people really prefer the method.  As a compromise, I will continue to accept digital payments, however the online payments will have an additional 2% service fee, splitting the cost of the fee with me.  You may also send a check by mail to avoid the fee if you register far enough in advance.

New : Anyone who registers for 10 or more classes at first and then adds classes later will add them at a $80 per class, not the $85 rate as in previous years. (Unless they sign up for 10 more in which case it would be $75 each.)

The discounts for multiple classes are because it means less administrative work for me!

(If you want to try taking one class at $85 and then later decide to sign up more you will be given credit for that class to get the discounted rate(ex. if you sign up for 9 more you will get the $75 rate for those 9).  If you sign up for 10 and later decide to sign up for 3 more, the additional 3 will be at the $80 rate as the $75 rate is only for signing up for 10 or more classes at once, but I will discount the additional classes below the normal 1-9 class rate.

Cancellation Policy

Any in person class that cannot be held in person due to weather or Mr. Frost being sick (contagious, but still able to teach online) will be held online instead.  No refunds will be given for classes held at the same time but just online.
An online class should not get cancelled due to snow, but if other unforeseeable issues cause a cancellation of any class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class.  Students who cannot attend the make up class will get a refund based on the prorated cost of classes they signed up for.

No Refunds for missed classes.  If you are sick or have another commitment you just miss the class.  You can request 5 problems from that week's test however.

In many classes of this nature you would sign up for a session and pay for that session of 7 - 10 classes.  If you missed a class due to illness or another commitment you would not get a refund as you are not paying per class but for the session.  I would prefer to run "sessions" to make my life easier, but also I want to give my students the freedom to sign up for the classes they want to attend, so there are no set sessions in FrostMath. You get to make your own "session" and once you do it is set.  You can sign up for any 1, 5, 10, 15 or any number of classes you want as to avoid conflicts the best you can.  

If you have to cancel less than 48 hours in advance there may be no refunds at all.  Often a cancellation means someone else didn't get to take the class.  If you give me more than 48 hours notice that your child cannot make it to a particular class than I will  allow you to reschedule to a new date for a $20 fee if there are at least 5 spots left in the class you want.  If there are less spots availability and you really want a specific date, you can wait until the day before the class and check back in to see if there is still room.

There will be no exceptions to these policies.  They are a result of 10 years of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.  If your child has a very unpredictable schedule you can sign up for 1 class at a time(if there is space) to avoid the conflicts, but after 7 classes you'll have basically paid the equivalent of 8 classes (at the 10 at a time rate) anyway and no better off.  Hopefully you can figure out what works best for your child's and family's schedule.  Feel free to email me with questions on this policy.